Friday, March 11, 2011

Country Posters

Students have been hard at work on their country posters!  Each student picked a country to research and present the information in a poster.  This project used their reading skills to find information, their social studies skills to understand different cultures, and their writing skills to present information in a logical and organized manner.  Stop by our hallway to see these in person!

Here are some interesting fact we've found:

Italy - "An Italian tradition is to go on a trip in August". - Anonymous

Singapore - "Singapore is a small island and the languages spoken are Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English." - Jade

Puerto Rico - "Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the United States.  This means it is part of the United States and it's own country." - Mark

Italy - "After school children go to the piazza.  A big tradition in Italy is soccer." - Meghan

Germany - "For good luck, German's will fold their thumb and close their fingers on it.  An unusaul fact about Germany is there is no speed limit!" - Parthiv

South Africa - "Preteria is the capitol of South Africa but Johanesburg is the most well known." - Spencer

Italy - "A tradition in Italy is to kiss each cheek when you are saying hello.  They also have paid dog parking in Italy." - Tyler

Canada - "There are two main languages spoken in Canada, English and French.  Canada had the Olympics and Vikings came to Canada." - Justin

Spain - "There are alot of traditions in Spain.  Some are flower dancing, chess, soccer games and bull fighting!" - Anonymous

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