Friday, May 6, 2011

Snow White Stories (Continued)

The Snow Princess - Fiona

     Once upon a time, there was a girl names Snow Princess.  Her dad died a few years ago, but her mom was still alive (her mom's name was Olive).
     But the only problem was that Olive had been sprayed with magic that made her evil and want to be the prettiest.  Right now Snow Princess was the prettiest.
     A few months later Snow Princess ran away.  Later, Olive noticed.  She sent a guard out to cut off the head of Snow Princess.  But when the guard found Snow Princess he thought she was so pretty he let her go. 
     Soon after, Snow Princess found a little house with seven trolls sleeping on seven little beds with seven little plates and seven little cups.  About an hour later Snow Princess fell asleep.  When Snow Princess woke up the seven trolls were gone.  Not so far away Olive was dressed as a little girl selling the newspaper.  When Olive rang the doorbell Snow Princess opened it and got sprayed with a bottle of poison.  When the trolls got home they gave Snow Princess some medicine. 
     When Olive got home she decided this time she would go to the little house dressed as a boy who had no friends and to bring a pie that had poison in it.  When Olive came to the little house, Snow Princess played until the trolls came home.  Later that evening Snow Princess took a lick of the pie and fell on the floop.  The trolls gave her a magic kiss and Snow Princess woke up.
     Olive decided she would go to the little house dressed up as a girl selling girl scout cookies.  When Olive opened the door she got sprayed with a bottle of permanent poison and died.
     Finally, Snow Princess moved back into the palace and got married.  Then lived happily ever after!   

Sterling Silver - Parker

     Once upon a time a lovely queen was making a golden bracelet with silver jewels and rubies.  Next to the queen sat a plate of peaches.  "I wish for a daughter with hair as gold as this bracelet, eyes as silver as sterling silver, lips as red as rubies, skin as peach as these peaches" said the queen.  After awhile a beautiful baby girl was born named Sterling Silver but alas, the queen disappeared right after the baby was born.
      The king remarried right away, but this time the mother was cruel.  Every now and then the queen would check her magic mirror.  When Sterling Silver was 17 the queen asked her to go pick berries.  Sterling walked for hours in the forest.  Finally, she stopped to rest.  She leaned on a tree.  Suddenly the tree opened up and Sterling Silver tumbled through darkness and landed on the floor of the home of the 7 pixies.  THUD!!  When she was again conscious she was greeted by 7 pixies, Juno, Minerva, Artemis, Daisy, Saturn, Mercury and Venus.
     Meanwhile, back at the castle the queen found out that Sterling Silver was still alive and so she went to sell poison lemonade.
     "Would you like some?".  "Yes", said Silver.  Why as soon as she drank some she fell to the floor.  "What do we do?", asked Venus when they saw her.  Suddenly Sterling Silver coughed and she woke up.  The kingdom danced for a whole week.  Sterling got married to a prince and they found Sterling Silver's mom.  They all lived happily ever after.  The End.

Snow White and the Candy's - Anonymous

     Once upon a time in a little town called Ahethns a little girl named Snow White was born.  But soon her mom died and so her dad the king took another wife.  This wife was cruel and mean to Snow White.  She wanted to be the most pretty in the land.  But many boys looked at Snow White not her.  So she told a guard to lock Snow White in the dungeon.  But Snow White overheard and ran away into the woods.  But she left a trail of wrappers she meant to throw away because she loves gum.  Then she smelled some candy.  All of a sudden a house of candy appeared.  When she went inside she was greeted by 7 types of candy - Jellybeans, M&M's, lollipops, popsicles, banana splits, Butterfinger and Hershey bars.  The jellybean person welcomed her and she told her story.  Then, she said you may stay here.  So she did.  But one day the queen saw the trail and took off.  Then she found Snow White and went back to make poisoned gum to get rid of her.  So then the wicked queen hid herself like an old peddler and poor Snow White did now know and ate the gum.  But as soon as she bit down she fell down on a bed.  Then the queen laughed and left.  When the candy's came home one plopped next to her and the bed bent down.  Then the candy got up and the bed went up and the gum flew out of her mouth.  So she started to breathe.  The queen went back to see if her plan had worked and when she saw Snow White alive she sprinted back to try something else.  Then, she made a poison gladd slipper.  The candy's told Snow White not to open the door to people she didn't know.  But the queen made herself look like a farmer's wife and said, "lovely things for sale".
     One day a prince was riding on his horse and saw her.  He found the candy's and asked "may I have her"?  I will give you anything you want, I will die without her.  The candy's took pity on th e kind mand and gave her to him.  On the way back to the castle a guard stumbled and the violet flower flew out her hands so she woke up.  She sat up and asked "where and I"?  The prince said, "you are here with me and I will love you".  "Will you marry me"?  She said yes and they found out that her wicked step mother had died.  So they lived happily ever after.

Snow White and the 7 Green Elves - Meghan

     Once upon a time there lived a girl named Snow White.  She lived with her mom abd dad on top of a hill in Colorado.  Snow Whites mom did not like her because Snow White was prettier than her mom.
     One day her dad went on a business trip.  The second after he left, Snow White's mom threatened Snow White that she would become prettier.  That night Snow White ran away into the forest.  But then Snow White heard  "Snow White".  That was the sound of Snow White's mom's voice.
     Snow White ran as fast as she could but then she came up to a little house.  "I bet I will be safe in there" thought Snow White.  When she walked in there were 7 little beds, 7 little books, 7 little cups of milk and 7 little cookies.  One hour later 7 green elfs walked in.  "Hey" said the first elf.  "Who ate my cookie?", "Did someone drink my milk"? said the second elf.  The third elf said, "has someone been reading my book"?  The sixth elf said, "Did someone sleep in my bed"?  "Someone is in my bed", said the seventh elf.  "Lets wake her up", they said.  Quickly Snow White woke up and said, "who are you" and they asked, "who are YOU"?.  "I am Snow White" she said.  "Why are you in my bed"?  asked the seventh elf. see my father left for a business trip and left me with my mother but my mother threatened me because I am prettier so I thought it would be safer to run away for awhile.  "Well you got to leave" said the elfs.
The Ice Cold Girl - Anonymous

     Once upon a time there was a girl named Taylor Swift.  Her mom has died so a step baby was to take the place for the mother.  But step baby got admonished.
     Sometime.  But before I tell you how.  I must tell from the beginning.  Step baby was furious because he was the silliest.  Because Taylor Swift was the silliest.  Because Taylor Swift would do wacky things.
    So one day step baby was buying ads.  It was a freeze gun.  So the step baby shot Taylor Swift.  Taylor Swift was solid and frozen.  Step Baby put Taylor Swift in the 7 Jonas Brother's freezer because they hardly ever use it.  But when the 7 Jonas Brother's came home they went to the freezer to check their food.  Then suddenly they saw Taylor Swift frozen so they got a heater to unfreeze Taylor Swift.  Taylor was sleeping so they thought it was their chance to give Taylor Swift back, so they did.
     The 7 Jonas Brother's got grounded for one second because they were not the boss of Step Baby.  So one day the Step Baby was reading the comics and saw an ad that said poison apple for ten dollars.  So Step Baby bought it.  So she gave Taylor Swift it then POOF she fainted.  So then, Step Baby put Taylor Swift on Justin Beiber.  When Justin Beiber came back he saw Taylor Swift, so Justin Beiber kissed Taylor Swift on purpose.  Then Taylor Swift asked if they could marry.  Then, they lived happily ever after.  THE END!

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