Friday, May 13, 2011

Third Grade Book Reviews By Mrs. Gwaltney's Reading Groups

Here are 2 great examples of book reviews written by Mrs. Gwaltney's Yellow and Red Reading Groups:

Book Review of Number the Stars by The Yellow Group

     Have you ever seen two soldiers on every street corner?  In this historical fiction book by Lois Lowry, Number the Stars is an adventure book that has won the Newberry Award.  When the soldiers try to relocate the Jewish people, AnnMarie a very brave girl has to hide her best friend Ellen in Denmark.
     First, AnnMarie and Ellen are stopped by the soldiers at the corner.  Next, Ellen goes into hiding.  Then, they go to AnnMarie's uncle's house.  Last, will Ellen ever be reunited with her parents?
     We recommend this book to 3-5 and the lesson we learned in this book is know matter what happens don't stop being brave or give up hope.

Book Review of How Mother Nature Got Her Job by The Red Group

     Do you know how Mother Nature go her job?  In this fiction ledgend book How Mother Nature Got Her Job by Suzanne Weyn, it will blow your mind.  In a small cottage in the countryside Sam and Rae's big adventure starts by meeting Mother Nature.
     First, Sam and Rae meet Demeter.  Next, they find out Demeter is actually Mother Nature.  Then, Demeter made a storm in Arizona when she was mad.  Last, she saves creatures in the sea by stopping the oil leak.  If you want to find out more, read How Mother Nature Got Her Job.
     We recommend this book for 1-3 who like fiction legend.  We learned to be nice to the earth and don't take it for granted.  Don't you want to learn how Mother Nature Got Her Job?